
Sponsorship levels

We’re offering sponsorship at the following levels:

  • Gold, £9,995, includes ten tickets and a fifteen-minute sponsored keynote slot
  • Silver, £4,995, includes five tickets and a five-minute sponsored lightning talk slot
  • Bronze, £1,995, includes two tickets

All sponsors will be eligible to have a booth in the Marble Hall from Friday to Monday and take part in the jobs fair.

We will promote all sponsors on social media and in the conference newsletter, and will place sponsor logos on our website and on signs around the conference venue. We will also make space in the conference booklet for advertisements from sponsors.

Process for contacting potential sponsors

All conference organisers are encouraged to contact potential sponsors!

There is a spreadsheet for tracking the progress with contacting sponsors in the conference Google Drive shared folder. Please let Peter or George know if you don’t have access to this.

If you see a company in the spreadsheet where you know somebody who works there (particularly if the status is “no response” or “stale”) please let the person in the handler field know.

Feel free to claim any companies where the handler field is blank by filling out this field.

If you are listed as the handler for a company, please keep the the spreadsheet up to date!

The spreadsheet has the following columns:

The name of the company.
The name of the person in contact with the company.
The name of our contact(s) at the company.
Email address for our contact.
Address of the company (for invoicing purposes).
The level of sponsorship (one of gold/silver/bronze). This can be filled in before sponsorship is agreed.
The amount of sponsorship agreed – this will usually correspond to the amounts under Sponsorship levels. This should be only be filled in once sponsorship is agreed.
Anything about the sponsorship that we’ll need to bear in mind when putting on the conference, such as “the sponsors are only coming to the jobs fair”, or “the sponsors have requested that we promote their latest campaign”.
Last contact
Date of last contact with company.
See below.
Any notes about ongoing discussion – use this as you see fit.

The status field may be one of the following:

The company has not yet been contacted.
The company has been contacted, and discussions are ongoing.
No response
The company has been contacted, and no meaningful response has been received.
The company has been contacted, but discussions have petered out.
The company has been contacted, and has declined to sponsor the conference.
Invoice required
The company has agreed to sponsor the conference, and an invoice is required.
The company has agreed to sponsor the conference, and an invoice has been sent.
The company have paid to sponsor the conference.
Do not contact
The company should not be contacted.


Once sponsorship has been agreed with a company, please contact Kristian, who will arrange for an invoice to be sent to the company.